​Air Transport Settlement System (ATSS) supports ticketing under multilateral agreement M1 between TCH and ATSS participating carriers.

For the purposes of Multilateral Agreement M1 (Open Fare)​, air transportation means an air carriage issued at fares established for travel segments operated by different carriers.

E-ticketing under M1 involves several e-tickets (as per the number of responsible carriers). Every ticket bears the accounting code of carrier operating corresponding segment (s). Code 99A approved for transportation under M1, becomes an attribute of such transportation and must  be entered on e-ticket not as accounting code but as tour code in the corresponding box.

To join M1 agreement enabling automated connections, an airline is required:

  • to sign Additional Agreem​ent​ to Model Agreement (multilateral open-fare agreement);
  • to submit to TCH Schedule and Tariffs Centre (STC) its timetables for Russia, CIS and other countries.

To optimize the routine, an airline can establish special fares via TCH STC to fit M1 Agreement.

TCH functions in M1:

  • building and uploading of connecting routes to ADS Sirena-Travel via STC.
  • timely remittance of revenue to airlines participating in transportation covered by M1.

Airlines benefits of M1:

  • enhanced passenger flow without extra costs;
  • automated connections building;
  • separate fare registration is not required;
  • no need to conclude and maintain interline agreement;
  • reduced time for revenue receipt as compared to interline agreements;
  • full, secured and timely revenue remittance.


Please contact TCH Customer Relations and Contracts Department at +7 (495) 788-12-23 or do@tch.ru.