Accredited agencies make settlement based on the Security Deposit in accordance with Schedule No.5/ОБП to the Model Agreement between TCH and the Agency, and in this case, TCH provides quotas of ATSS electronic tickets and electronic documents with no limit as to the number.

'My Account' on TCH's website provides the Agency with control tools for points of sale – to establish quotas of ATSS electronic tickets/electronic documents or to establish an amount of monetary funds.

In "My Account", Section "Security Deposit and Quotas/Security Deposit" Accredited Agencies may:

  • Control the value of the Disposable Amount, which limits the Agency's sales of carriages;
  • Set up parameters of automatic notification of the Disposable Amount (daily notification of the values of amounts, notification of reaching the thresholds of amounts, e-mail addresses);
  • Select a control tool for all points of sale – setting a quota or setting an amount of monetary funds;
  • Create the groups of the Agency's points of sale in order to limit their quotas or monetary funds;
  • Manage separately the quotas of electronic tickets (the number of ATSS electronic tickets permitted to be issued) and the quotas of electronic documents (the number of ATSS electronic miscellaneous documents and electronic documents permitted to be issued);
  • Assign quotas or monetary funds to the groups of POSs;
  • Control the balance of quotas or monetary funds in possession of the groups of POSs;
  • Reduce or completely withdraw a quota or monetary funds from the groups of POSs;
  • Get information about the allocation and withdrawal of a quota assigned by the Agency to the groups of POSs.

The procedure on how to credit monetary funds into the Disposable Amount and how to change the Disposable Amount, including at points of sale, are described in Standard SSS 213-2014 "Security Deposit" as amended by Amendment 1.

In order to work with Section "Security Deposit and Quotas", in "My Account" you can find "Agency Manual for "Security Deposit and Quotas". 


ATSS electronic tickets/electronic documents quotas management: 
Phone: +7 (495) 660-19-79; +7 (495) 660-19-71, ext. 125

Monetary funds crediting and allocation:
Phone: +7 (495) 788-12-07