List of STC Services
1. Coding Directories:
- maintenance of aggregated databank of codes;
- assignment, updating and withdrawal of internal codes of carriers, airports and cities (populated places) and other coding directories used in commercial and information systems at airline’s request;
- maintenance of internal two-character airline codes in the Coding Directories system.
2. Fees and Charges for Ground Handling:
- filing and maintenance of aggregated databank of fees and charges established at RF airports for aircraft handling, including all airport fee rates, basic rates for aircraft ground handling and prices for aviation fuel and lubricants.
3. Passenger Fares:
- authorization of access to TAR-LINE System for Passenger Fare Registration for entering and filing of fare information.
4. Flight Timetable:
- authorization of access to the Central database of flight timetable and slots (CDFTS);
- distribution of information on airline flight timetables included in CDFTS, to international data banks, i.e. OAG, INNOVATA, GOLDENWARE;
- collection, maintenance and provision of reference information on airport operating procedures, to airlines and airports.
5. User Notification:
Information filed by STC is communicated to users in accordance with the procedure under Provision for the system of user notification by Schedule & Tariffs Centre. The system of notification provides for e-mail notification by means of formalized messages to confirm filing of information in STC to territorial aviation administrations, airlines, airports, and ground handling organizations filing their data to STC.
6. Assistance to airline and airport specialists on generation and processing of messages on flight timetable, fare information and fees and charges for airport handling.
7. STC provides a variety of paid services under model agreement for information services. The list of paid services is set forth in authorized Price List for Information Services.
STC Databases
Performing key technological functions, Schedule & Tariffs Centre (STC) supports and updates the following databases:
1. Flight Timetable
This DB comprises information on all carriers’ domestic and international flights of the RF carriers and slots assigned by the RF airports to carriers for flight operation, as well as the information on the flights of a number of carriers of CIS and Non-CIS countries. The DB exists since May 6, 1996 on seasonally basis.
In total, the DB contains information on more than 42,000 flight options of 95 airlines and approximately 1,800,000 slots as per 513 airports.
2. Passenger Air Fares
This DB includes published fare information (i.e. fares, fare application rules, free baggage allowance, etc.) pertinent to domestic and international airlines' routes. The DB exists since February 1, 2000. It contains information on more than 180 airlines. The overall DB volume exceeds 30,000,000 records.
3. Fees and Charges for Aircraft Ground Handling at RF Airports
This DB includes information filed since July 1, 2001 and features the following quantitative indicators: 350 airports and 411 enterprises. The overall DB volume is more than 300,000 units of information.
4. Coding Directories Airlines, Cities, Airports, Aircraft Types and other commercial information indispensable to ensure air transportation sales. The coding directories are updated as appropriate, with the History of Updates maintained.
The DB comprises information on over 33,000 items. The overall DB volume exceeds 260,000 records.
User Notification
Phone:+7 (495) 660-34-09 E-mail:
Terms of STC Services Provision
Phone: +7 (495) 660-34-08, E-mail:
Signing of Information Support Agreement
Phone: +7 (495) 788-12-23, E-mail: